Today was the last day in Antarctica for several of our team. They departed Union Glacier for Punta Arenas in the afternoon. When they arrive in Punta Areans they will be blessed with much warmer temperatures, the smell of living plants and many options for what to eat, where to go and what to do.
That can be a double-edged sword. We know that finishing an expedition can involve many emotions. Some of them are figuring out how to appreciate things when they come so easy. On the expedition everyone has to work for every necessity and luxury, whether that's melting water, having a coffee or coco, eating, going to bathroom, setting up a tent, going to bed and even waking up. It all involves work. It's hard, but it's also very satisfying and rewarding, and it can be missed. BUT there's also so much pleasure in ordering off a menu, reuniting with family and being grateful for everything in life :)
The team members that are still in Union Glacier are now waiting to head to Mount Vinson. They had a relaxing day at the basecamp. With the departure of 71 people today it is much quieter in the camp. They had a nice dinner and took showers which is a big deal after two weeks without one! For evening entertainment they watched Mr & Mrs. Smith. Our fingers are crossed that they will get to Vinson soon.
We want to congratulate everyone on completing the Last Degree. Well done! Below are some awesome photos from the expedition.
Thanks for being a part of their journey and check back again tomorrow for another update from the ice!
